

Rabu, 25 Desember 2019

10 Tips on How to Make a Good, True and Complete Job Application CV

Good, True and Complete Job Application CV

10 Tips on How to Make a Good, True and Complete Job Application CV 

How to make a job application CV is much sought after by job applicants. CV or Curriculum Vitae is one of the documents that must be included when applying for work. The CV can also be referred to as a curriculum vitae in which all information from the person applying for the job will be written, from personal information, education history, to employment history. During this time, writing a CV is not too considered complicated. Many job applicants just copy-paste the CV writing format from the example of a job application CV on the internet. As a result, the written CV seems monotonous and will not attract the attention of HDR or anyone who reads it. With a CV that is not attractive from the start, it is very unlikely that the job applicant will pass to the interview stage. Hence, how to make a good and correct CV, you must pay complete attention. The following are 10 tips on how to create a job application CV that will definitely pass you to the interview stage. Listened, yes!

1. Avoid "Lebay" CV Formats
Tips on how to make a good CV and the first is to avoid CV format that is "lebay". Many young people believe that a CV in the "current" format will attract the attention of the HRD. Yes, but interesting good. You surely know the difference between a good and correct CV with an unfavorable CV or an over-and-over-CV CV. Which one is better to read? Surely there is still a straightforward and not overdone impression. Instead of being made with unnecessary pictures, excessive design, and even like posters / pamphlets. It's simple, write your name with a rather large font at the very top of the CV. Embed your photo in the top right, follow by writing down your mobile number, e-mail address, home address, and place and date of birth. No need to overdo it by writing a motivational quote or your life motto in the opening section of the CV. Really, it's not important.

2. Write the Latest Education History    Only

When you start writing the contents of a good and correct CV, one that must be included is the educational history. The history of education actually starts from the kindergarten level to college. But, you don't need to list all of them too. Better, you skip including TK, SD, and SMP in the CV. This part is considered less important. You just need to enter high school and college. Of course, with completed entry year, graduation year, and final grade. If during high school or college you have an internship or work, enter the information below the educational information. Just remember to include the most recent or recent things in the CV. In terms of education, it is enough to write high school level and above.

3. Use the "KISS" formula in making a good and correct CV

For those of you who follow a lot of organizations or are too active in organizations during college or high school, there must be a desire to include the entire history of the organization. Well, that made the person reading the CV more impressed. But, this is actually not necessary you know. One way to make a correct job application CV is to use the "KISS" formula, aka Keep It Short and Simple. This means you don't need to be overly writing down your organizational activities. You only need to write 3-5 of your current organizational activities. No need to be listed up to a dozen, or even dozens. Instead of making an impression, who reads your CV later will judge your CV alay and you too want to show off.

4. Don't Write Something Not Fact in the CV

Sometimes, to give the impression of a CV, you then become "fabricated beautifully". Something that is not a fiction fact a.k.a instead you put in the CV. Please remember that one way to make a good CV job application is honestly and as is. For example, you don't understand anything about Ms. Excel but you are still determined to write "mastering Ms. Excel "on your CV. Believe me, everything you write on the CV will be verified by HRD. If during the interview you told the practice to make a report using Ms. Excel or practice the "fiction" that you make on the CV, it's finished! So, just ordinary! If it's not a fact, don't enter the CV.

5. If possible, write your CV in English

Even if you are applying for a job that has nothing to do with English, write your good and right CV in English. Not how, it's just that now has entered a global era where many companies use international standards, including in the recruitment of employees. If you do not speak English fluently, write a CV as is, without the need to copy or use a translation machine. Remember, your English CV will influence the interviewer's expectations about your English language skills. If you really don't speak English, then just write your CV in Indonesian.

6. Note the Name of the Company Where to Send the Application or CV

One way to make a good and right job application CV is to really pay attention to the name of the company where you sent your application and CV. Avoid all forms of error in writing the name of the company, both when sending a letter application in the form of hard copy (sent POS / delivered directly) or soft copy (via email). One more thing, if you apply for a job to several company HR addresses at once, avoid doing it with one email because the company will automatically know you sent one application to many addresses at once and are sure you will not be passed to the next stage.

7. Write the Specifications of the Career

Fields You Want to Work On in Your CV
In the CV, it is also important to write down the specifications of the career field you want to work on. If possible this has to do with the job position you are after. Enter these things in the "softskill" section or column. But remember, enter career specifications and abilities that you have that have to do with the job you are applying for.

8. Don't Forget Certificate of Expertise in CV

Certification or certificate of expertise can really help you to work. Hence, one of the tips on how to make a good and true job application CV is to include a certificate of expertise in the CV. It's not uncommon for companies to require certain certifications for several job openings. Make your own certification column, usually it is located under the educational history, and enter your certification experiences there. But, write that can be proven with physical certificates only, yes. Plus, if it's not that important, you don't need to write all of it.

9. Use Easy to Read Fonts in the CV

This is a very important thing but sometimes it's taken lightly. There is a way to make your job application CV more formal and easy to read, by using a standard font. If you can, in writing a CV, use a font that is easy to read like Times New Roman or Arial. Do not use strange fonts that sometimes even make the CV seem alay. Plus, also avoid using more than one type of font. Formats such as Italic, Bold, and Underline are only used when important. By following all of these things, the CV will be easy to read. How could you make the HRD staff who read your CV be bothered by going around translating what you wrote on the CV because of the messy fonts? Remember that CVs are made with the purpose of being read. Example Curriculum Vitae with this alay font is one that is hated by HRD staff, you know. So, be careful.

10. Pay attention to the photos in the CV

The last tip on how to make a good, correct, and complete job application CV is to pay attention to the photos that you include in the CV. Photos can be one of the determining factors, you know. CVs are usually written with the intention of reading by people who are not yet known, in this case the HRD staff of the company you are applying for. As a result, the principle of "first impressions are so tempting" is very important here. Therefore, use photos with your best pose. But please, don't worry. Use the photo where you are wearing a formal dresscode. But, it doesn't have to be stiff too. You can attach casual style photos. The important thing is, make sure you look neat, attractive, but seem professional.

The ten tips on how to create a CV application above can you practice to get a CV that is good, right, and complete. If your CV is made well and correctly, HRD will also be even more impressed. Especially if you add an interesting job application letter as well. So, cus list all the tips on how to make a CV job application above before you start making a CV, yes. Sure, without seeing examples of a good and correct CV, you can already make your own CV of your work that attracts HRD's attention.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015


Judul Buku                  : Sabtu Bersama Bapak          Pengarang                   : Aditya MulyaPenerbit                       : Gagas MediaTahun Terbit                : 2014Dimensi Buku             : -Halaman Buku            : 278Harga Buku                 : RP 48.000            Disini saya akan meresensi novel yang berjudul Sabtu bersama Bapak. Apakah kalian pernah membaca novel ini? Ya jika kalian belum pernah membaca novel ini saya akan meresensi buku ini sedikit. Novel ini memiliki nilai-nilai yang dapat diambil didalam kehidupan kita, terutama untuk kaum lelaki. Yang kedepan akan menjadi seorang ayah, yang akan memimpin keluarganya dengan cara yang terbaik. Seorang laki – laki harus harus memiliki kesiapan jasmani dan rohani untuk membentuk suatu keluarga yang baik.            Setelah berhasil dengan tulisan novel – novel sebelumnya Aditya mulya membuat novel terbitan terbaru yang sekarang menjadi best seller di banyak toko buku.            Cerita Sabtu bersama bapak ini mengisahkan tentan satya dan cakra (kakak beradik) dan ibu itje (ibunya satya &cakra), ibu mereka harus menjalani hidup setelah kepergian sang bapak (Gunawan Garnida). Namun sang bapak tidak hanya meninggalkan warisan untuk anak dan istrinya, tetapi beliau juga memberikan wasiat nilai – nilai kehidupan di dalam sebuah rekaman video yang sengaja dibuat oleh beliau sebelum meninggal.            Satya seorang kakak yang sudah memiliki istri dan 3 orang anak. Dia bekerja dilua negeri dan memiliki sifat yang temperamental. Anak – anaknya pun takut kepada dia. Hingga suatu saat istrinya memberikan nasihat kepada suaminya .            Cakra seorang pekerja keras yang memiliki nasib kurang baik terhadap wanita. Di novel ini dia berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan jodoh dan buku ini recommended sekali untuk orang – orang yang sedang mencari jodoh.            Keunggulan buku ini yaitu memiliki makna yang tersirat di dalam nya untuk menjalani kehidupan berkeluarga, memiliki tebal sampul yang cukup bagus, judul buku yang sangat menarik pembaca, pemilihan kata yang sangat tidak bertele – tele sehingga pembaca yang tidak gemar membaca pun menjadi tertarik membacanya. Kelemahan buku ini penggunaan kertas yang tipis sehingga rentan robek.Sekian resensi yang saya buat mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan.      

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

TUHAN HILANGdisuatu desa di daerah batak ada kakak beradik bernama ucok dan poltak. mereka terkenal bandel, saking bandelnya semua orang di desa selalu mengaitkan semua kejadian kriminal dengan mereka, mulai dari maling ayam hingga judi. ibu mereka pusing melihata kelakuan keduanya dan membawa mereka ke pendetadipanggilah mereka satu persatu mulai dari ucokpendeta: cok, ibu kau sudah tua, gak kasian kau liat dia???ucok diam, sambil ngupil tidak menjawabpendeta bertanya dengan senyum "kau tau Tuhan dimana???"ucok cuek...pendetah masih sabar walau mulai kesal, sekali lagi dia bertanya " ucok, kau tau Tuhan dimana????"ucok mulai bingung dan menelan ludahnya dan menatap tajam ke arah pendetapendetapun mulai emosi, dengan suara keras dan membentak dia bertanya lagi "Tuhan ada dimana cokkk????!!!!"ucok berteriak sambil lari keluar ketakutan "aku tidak tau"di pintu keluar dia bertemu dengan poltakpoltak: kenapa kau cok??? pucat kali muka kau???? pak pendeta bilang apa??ucok: gawat bang, Tuhan hilang!!!! pak pendeta pikir ktia yang curi!!!!